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  She is delicate, the soft touch of satin and lace She is shadowed grace, a beauty in the dark hiding from the day She steals hearts, beckoning you close with whispers, her words stirring the air, like music and melody and long lost memories finally returning...


We spend our days hanging on to old moments deep within the heart, treading carefully through bookstores and bars, storing memories between dusty pages as we sip on sorrow, burying our lament in the fiery burn We spend our nights barely breathing, listening to sad...
Empty Sheets

Empty Sheets

bittersweet moments tossed aside for clean sheets, all soft white and empty        I was tired of getting lost        in your memories -ashley jane
Moments and Mistakes

Moments and Mistakes

I can feel them lurking in the back of my throat, moments and mistakes that my mind won’t let go, hovering there, ensuring I don’t forget, turning them into lessons of anger and regret that I was naive enough to allow myself to be changed into someone else...