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  you make up rules and expect her to follow, but she is most striking untamed unfiltered untethered you try to hold her back but, she moves through the darkest nights with courage with power with faith you don’t understand her, the way she shines even when...
Drink Deep

Drink Deep

there is something about a storm that’s always soothed my soul, the way the sky is falling and the wind is calling, the way the thunder echoes others feast on liquid sunshine and timid turquoise skies, but I like the power of the night, the amazing way it...
Pearl Bright

Pearl Bright

Bits of bone and broken hearts, rough, uneven night but, you are light, pearl bright white bringing love to forbidden places Breath of Words© 7/18/17
Flicker and Fade

Flicker and Fade

I’ve been stirring the depths, those dark recesses and shadowed halls, moody blue rooms with empty walls And some days, I’m more flicker and fade, rainbow tears becoming shades of gray, colors breaking, embraced by the night, now swallowing up the light...