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We waged war in shades of burgundy,
passion stained,
our souls enraged
We painted madness across the page,
begging for you to read
our crimson ink

As it flowed from swords
Shaped like pens
Scoring a tale
That pierced hearts pale
From ruby red
To an orange that bled

We etched our name
into the amber sun
and pierced the night
with an ivory light,
our hearts contained
in the golden flames

Like fire from the maw
Of an emerald scaled dragon
That swept cross a country
Burning his enemies &
The land all around

We watched it all
come tumbling down,
turquoise seas and azure skies
wiped away by dark midnight,
the world we knew
blanketed in cobalt blue

The darkening palette
eating up colours
as shadowy truths
clouded the light
revealing indigo hues
in which we might hide

We folded ourselves
into the deep violet skies,
while words spilled out
in the blackest slate,
our lives rearranged
by shades of gloomy gray

Breath of Words© and Sea Words©

Photo: Annalie Solice