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Many authors have a way of touching the heart, but Alfa reaches deeper. She speaks to the soul. In I Needed a Viking, she reminds us of our own strength. She raises us up and readies us for battle because who better to fight for us than us.

In the first section, Forgettable, she gives us wisdom. Too often, we let the wrong people define us. Alfa reminds us that it’s ok to falter, as long as we get up. We are not always what others expect us to be. We are more, and that’s a good thing. My favorite piece in this section, “Fairytales Lie,” reiterates that we shouldn’t wait around on someone to save us. We can save ourselves. In “Light-Filled Days,” she tells us to be careful of those whose memory threatens our darker days. The ones who deserve our time will be there through thick and thin. Light AND dark.

In section two, Friction, I was drawn to the piece entitled, “You Know Better.” Her words are full of the wisdom of someone who has been there. Someone who learned the hard way that we shouldn’t get pulled back into the past. There will always be something or someone who wants to stop us from moving forward. But, we can’t let them hold us back. This hit me so hard, as I am so guilty of holding on to relationships that are not good for me. Sometimes, we have to let go.

Section three, Flamethrower, instills strength and resilience. Power and purpose. In “Make Every Second Count,” Alfa reminds us that we mustn’t dwell in the past. That we should surround ourselves with those who lift us up. Those who contribute to beauty, not those who steal it. One of my other favorites from this book is “The World Must Wait.” This is the poem I so often need to hear. It says it is ok to stop. It is ok to have anxiety. It is ok to need to pause and breathe. You are not a bad person for putting yourself first.

This book was the lesson I needed. It is filled with wise words written by a poet who knows what it’s like to be on the other side of brave. Alfa uses her words to encourage and embolden her reader. I suppose we all need a Viking, sometimes. But we needn’t look any further than the mirror to find one.

You can find Alfa on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.
